Thursday, 3 March 2011

Print Image 1 Seeing there self in a newspaper

For this image i havent used images from the internet, i have only taken images by camera. These Two images will be used for my final image. I will be using a software called Adobe Photoshop and this software will edit and create my final image. The image where she is holding the newspaper will be used for the main image and the other image will be edited and placed on the main image.

 Final Image

Cinema Image 3 Someone in a harry potter film

For this image i have used 4 images, 1 of them i have taken by camera and the other 3 are used from the internet. These Images that i have collected are going to make the final image.

 Final Image

Cinema Image 2 Arm around shrek

For this Image i have used 5 images, two of them i have taken by camera and 3 of them are from the internet. All these images will help me make the final image.

Cinema Image 1 Batman car

For this image i have taken a image iof someone and i have used this image to make my final image, and also using some images from the internet. I have used Adobe Photoshop to make this image.


Final image

Unit 9: Exploring Photography And Digital Imaging

We have been given a brief to complete all eighteen images, 3 for each of the folloing: Television, Radio,
Cinema, Print, New Print and Advertising. For the different types of imaging i had to find images of the internet and take pictures of people to make the final images. We used Adobe Photoshop to make all the images. We planned all the images out to we knew what the images will look like and what images we will have to find on the internet.